Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Upgrading Dirsync to Azure Active Directory Connect (AADC) a cautionary tale

I usually try to be pretty thorough about things when I post.  I wasn't planning on posting a here's how you upgrade post so I have no screen shots or errors. Basically the upgrade is next next next.  The one problem that I had was that I needed to change the schedule for the sync process.  This is now a scheduled task that is automagically setup in AADC.

When you change the schedule DO NOT JUST CHANGE THE PASSWORD ON THE CREATED SERVICE ACCOUNT.  Make a new service account, or use another account to edit the scheduled task and run it.  If you want to change the password on the created service account it will mess up the encryption keys in AADC and you will have to jump through some hoops.  It is not a huge deal, but it takes way way less time to just make or use another account to run the task.  Just save yourself some time.

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